Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas!!

OK, after I installed Mepis and loaded Win4Lin, Photoshop, games and struggled trying to load Flash in Win4Lin, and tweaked the interface,I had the bright idea that I would update everything through synaptic. Bad idea!! It downloaded 700 Meg of updates and after it finished sound did not work and even though my screen resolution was suppose to be 1024 x 768 it looked more like 800 x 600. That was the bad news.
Since I trashed Mepis, I decided that I would give Linspire another chance. I loaded it, Win4Lin, Photoshop etcetera... Previously, the DCOP server was dieing so none of the programs would work when I clicked on the icons. Something that their support said made me think the problem may lie with CNR. After I got everything up and running I used CNR to update the system (only 4 programs), then I disabled CNR. I let the computer run most of the day, clicking on program icons from time to time, and all is well so far. This is a record for Linspire on this computer. Anyway, Linspire is my OS of choice, so to appear to have Linspire 5-0 up and running on the computer that I use the most, when I have had no luck previously, it is like a Christmas present.
I need to let the computer run several more days, then make my usual interface tweaks and see if it is still stable. I am hoping because if not, I just may go back to Windows. There is no real reason for me to run Linux, other than I like it and I also like all of the free programs. Most of what I use it for can also be done in Windows.

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