Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Mepis, Kubuntu, Xandros, Knoppix and Kanoix

Per my previous blogs, I spent a lot of time over Christmas trying to get any version of Linux to work on my laptop. I had Suse 10 loaded on it, I really liked Suse. There were two reasons that I dumped it. I wanted to run Windows programs on Win4Lin and I wanted to get my G wireless cards working. Suse 10 does not have a Win4Lin enabled kernel, I did a little googling and found a procedure to patch the kernel but it did not work. I also tried ndiswrapper and the Linuxant driver to get any of my wireless cards working, but no luck. Suse had one other irrating flaw, it would dump the wireless settings when the computer was shut off.
So I decided to try some different distros. I wanted to stay with Debian so I would have the entire Debian repositories to choose programs from.
One of my favorites distros use to be Xandros (Corel). I had a Xandros 3.0 disk so I installed it. I could not get any of my wireless cards to work and the wireless tools available in Xandros are not nearly as good as Linspire or Suse 10.
Knoppix and Kanoix are two cool distros. I could not get my wireless cards to work in either distros. I installed Kanoix to my hard drive (by using the Kanoix-installer script), hoping to get wireless working once installed, but no luck. I gave Kubuntu a half hearted try and again no luck. I installed Mepis and had everything working when I broke it by doing an upgrade.

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