Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Linux Eden

I finally have my little Linux empire up and running. I have two laptops and two desktop computers (a bit excessive) running at least one flavor of Linux . One laptop dual boots between Windows and Linspire, the other laptop triple boot between Linspire, Kubuntu, and Windows. One desktop has Windows, and multiple Linux versions. The other is set up as a server so it runs Linspire exclusively. The Linspire server also acts as an MP3 server. I have a SMC music streamer connected to my stereo and I am using MP3Beamer software to operate it. It works great! I can listen to my CDs or internet radio using the SMC and MP3Beamer. I am going to get rid of one of the desktops so my only desktop will be the Linspire server/MP3 server, no sense running both desktops.
Another little toy that I have is a D-Link print server, It is sooooo easy to setup in Linux! I just set it up using the printer Wizard.
Since I am using Linspire as my operating system, installing programs is not problem, I just use CNR and it is done. I am a Linspire insider for life and I feel a little guilty about not having to pay anything for the new OSs, so I will probably buy Star Office 8 from them when it is available. I paid $10 for MP3Beamer, but that hardley counts. If we don't support Linspire they won't be around long.
Right now I am waiting for Crossover Office 5.0. According to their web site it will run a lot of Windows programs. They have yet to name them, so I am a littel sceptical as to whether they would be programs I would run, but I am still stoked about Crossover Office 5.0. I have played around with Transgaming's Cedega, but I play very few games and the games I play will not run in Cedega. Win4Lin is great, I can run Photoshop and Dreamweaver in it. Win4Lin can't run games, but it will run all of the necessary Windows programs. The nice thing about Win4Lin is it is fast. It boots quickly and it is kind of cool to see a Windows desktop in Linux. I don't think that most people realize how much work it takes to do that.
The cool thing is that everything Linux is working and I have some pretty extreme techie toys.

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