Sunday, August 14, 2005

What Up?

I am still on the fringe of Linux nirvana. I have been using Linspire on my desktop computer almost full time, even though there are sound issues with KDE, sound is working great for everything else. I mostly listen to internet radio or my music library, and LSongs is great for that. Linspire is hasn't worked out very well for my HP laptop. I have the beta loaded and ACPI does not work very well, the fan is constantly running and the laptop is hot. I read some other posts at Linspire that said that ACPI does not work, I posted a bug report so I will find out. In lieu of having a usable version of Linspire on the HP, I have Kubuntu loaded, and it is great. Linspire is loaded on my Sony laptop and it is flawless.
I was thinking about trying to install Suse 10 beta, but this is the first beta and it probably will not install anyway. I think I will wait for RC1.

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