Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Linux Nervana

Hard core techies will read this post and hate me, but I am goint to say it anyway- I like Linspire. I use to hate it, originally they claimed that they would be able to run any Windows app. A claim that everyone at the time knew was rediculious. Also, Michael Robertson made some inflamitory statements about the Linux community.
I like Linspire for several reasons. First, it works. It is the only distro that works with all of my computers. I really like Suse, but it iehter won't install, or some of my hardware will not work with Suse (touchpad, and display configuration in Saxt is just plain strange) . The second reason that I like Linspire is the attention to detail, they tweak the user interface the way I like it out of the box. Suse is another distro that has a great feel to it, but if it does not work with my hardware, that is a deal breaker. Finally, Linspire has Click n Run. I know if you have Debian you can apt get all of the programs on CNR for free, but CNR organizes them and generally has a pretty good description. It also enables 3D acceleration, something that I have had problems with when I have tried to install Doom from a Debian respoitory.

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